Baer Extreme 14, Rear, 1-1 GM 10 or 12 bolt Bearing on axle with flush mount, S

Baer Extreme 14, Rear, 1-1 GM 10 or 12 bolt Bearing on axle with flush mount, S

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SKU: BAE-4302341S

Part# 4302341S


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Baer Extreme 14, Rear, 1-1 GM 10 or 12 bolt Bearing on axle with flush mount, S

Baer EXTREME brake systems deliver unparalleled performance, with durability exceeding the demands of the most serious enthusiasts.

What's Included

  • GM 10/12 bolt with FLUSH MOUNT bearing on axle (BOP) rear.. 5 on 4.75 and 5 on 5 bolt circle. Does not include park brake cables does include Park Brake

Product Information

Before ordering please use this brake template to check brake to wheel clearance.

Download Brake Fit Template: N110P


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